Thursday, March 21, 2013

Attacking a Pose

Last night was not a good drawing night. We all have them, nothing seems to work. I expressed this, and one of my students, who was also having a rough night asked: "What do you do when you have a bad drawing day, How do you work through it?"

I told him that on days like that, I basically attack a pose. I draw with more intensity, I try new things, Heck I figure that if the drawing is going to be garbage, learn something from it. So I switched from pencils to pen, back to pencils, I focused on shapes, then on scribbly lines and tried to pull the image from the crap. In the end I got a couple of decent ones out of it.

Our model was dressed as Legolas from Lord of the Rings and was great. This is a 5 minute drawing and a 10.

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